Localization Status: Sinhala (si)

With help from our users, we're translating this tutorial into Sinhala. If you know this language, then please give us a hand - just click on one of the articles to get started! You don't have to translate an entire article at once - even a single paragraph would be a big help towards this task :)

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  1. 1. User #5399 ?
Article/Chapter Progress
75% complete
Installing Apache webserver
10% complete
Installing PHP Not started
Using the webserver Not started
The editor
Editor introduction Not started
Previewing Not started
Syntax checking Not started
Debugging Not started
Basic PHP
Hello, world! Not started
PHP tags Not started
Variables Not started
If statements Not started
More if statements Not started
The switch statement Not started
Loops Not started
Including files Not started
Functions Not started
Data types
Data types Not started
Working with numbers Not started
Working with strings Not started
More strings Not started
Working with arrays Not started
More arrays Not started
Introduction to PHP classes Not started
Defining and using a class Not started
Constructors and destructors Not started
Visibility Not started
Inheritance Not started
Abstract classes Not started
Static classes Not started
Class constants Not started
The "final" keyword Not started
Introduction to MySQL with PHP Not started
Establishing a connection Not started
Retrieving data Not started
MySQL and the WHERE part Not started
MySQL and the ORDER BY part Not started
MySQL and the LIMIT part Not started
Handling MySQL errors Not started
Cookies Not started
Working with forms
GET and POST forms Not started
Validating form input Not started